General Contractors Bay Area: How to Get More Clients?

General Contractors Bay Area: How to Get More Clients?

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General contractors Bay Area, are you looking for more clients? Do you need exposure to generate more business revenue? If so, you are in the right place.

You have spent years in learning your craft. You are certified to work in Bay Area. Now it is time to get started in the business world. However, it is not simple as that. When we are beginning, nobody tells us that we need to market our services. We need to find clients, and all of this requires time & money.

If you search on the web, you will see that people come up with different ideas. You can try your hands at blogging. Implement social media marketing. Attend real estate seminars. Join conferences. Go to community hubs, distribute your business cards, give away your brochures, use real estate signage, fill the craigslist pages with new advertisements, use YouTube marketing and so on.

As a newbie, it is almost impossible to implement these marketing strategies. Furthermore, these tactics won’t bring great results. You will be spending on the advertisement without an impressive return.

My intention is not to minimize the value of these marketing methods. These tactics surely work, but they do not bring quick results. Business needs clients. While a fancy website and Facebook page are great; they rarely bring you, real customers.

When it comes to business success, direct sales marketing has proven to be the best marketing method. So, how can you directly reach out to your customers?

The answer?

There are a few options.

  • Attend industry seminars
  • Reach out to construction managers
  • Contact real estate redevelopment companies
  • Talk to real estate investors

If you focus on these four aspects, you will never have to worry about finding more clients. Real estate investors and redevelopers are involved with various construction projects. Because of the same reason, they are looking for general contractors in Bay Area. They need your help. They are seeking you out, and if you just contact them, you will have enough business to support you for years.

The relationship of investors and a contractor is the most misunderstood partnership in this industry. When a real estate investor joins hands with the contractor, the business takes off for both parties. JJW Homes LLC is one such company, and we are looking for general contractors in Bay Area to join our team.

General Contractors Bay Area: Benefits of Working with JJW Homes LLC

Stay Busy All Year

The construction business is a seasoned market. You may have enough work for three months, but you never know where the next project is coming from. Working with an investor will solve this problem as they will keep you busy all the year. Real estate investors are working simultaneously on various projects, and they need your services all the time.

No Need to Spend Time & Money on Marketing

Marketing is an expensive activity. However, with enough projects, you do not have to market your services anymore. Most real estate investors have industry wide connections. If you build a successful reputation, business leads will come your way rather than you chasing them.

Learn the Secrets of Real Estate Business

There is no better way to learn about real estate industry than working with an investor. Working with an investor introduces you to the ins & outs of this industry. You can learn about systems, market statistics and pricing models that you can apply to your own business.

Prompt Payments

It is our first priority to pay you for your valuable work. At JJW Homes, we strive to provide you an environment that helps you achieve your goals.

Get Recognized for Your Work

We love to appreciate talent and hard work. Our company is connected to a national group of investors. We will be happy to introduce your work to our community of real estate investors and redevelopers.

Real estate investment companies can be a top source of revenue for your business. With a targeted message, you can contact these companies and get your business moving in the right direction. If you are interested in working with us, please write to us or call us at (510) 756-5757.

Do not forget to fill the PDF application on this page and send it our way. Our team members will contact you shortly.

Let’s get started.

[Photo Credits: Flickr]

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